Day: August 26, 2023

  • Gum Tree Removal Melbourne

    Gum Tree Removal Melbourne

    What’s it like to be 40 meters up a Grey Gum using a Chainsaw? Melbourne Arborist Treelife gives you a bird’s eye view. See what it takes to climb and take down a large tree in Suburban Melbourne in a confined backyard.

    At Treelife, we’re the experts when it comes to tree removal or tree lopping as it’s also known. It is extremely important to us that you as the customer are completely satisfied with the end result. We’ve been providing leading tree removal services to Melbourne for over 15 years.

    We intimately understand the urban forest and the evolutionary environmental differences in its natural growth habit. This understanding makes us a very reliable source of advice when making decisions about your tree’s future. We are highly trained in many areas including rigging and advance rope techniques.

    Visit the Tree Removal Section of our website for more information. Give us a call or use our online enquiry form to request a free quote.

  • Common Trees on Melbourne Road

    Common Trees on Melbourne Road

    Melbourne is home to many trees, and this is one of the many factors that contribute to Melbourne being one of the best and move pleasurable cities to live in that the world has to offer. All of the greenery these trees have to offer is one of the major contributors for Melbourne’s excellent reputation as an excellent city to live in and be a part of.

    Some of the common trees in Melbourne that have helped make the city such a wonderful place to live are the following:

    • Eucalyptus: These are trees that have been dominating the tree flora native to Australia for many years. They have often been called “gum trees” because there is a substance that exudes from every break that occurs in the bark that can be said to resemble the appearance of gum. These trees are extremely useful because they have a lot of benefits. For example, they serve as a natural insecticide and they are considerably fast growing sources of wood in comparison to other tree species. Furthermore, the oil it produces can be used by us humans for cleaning purposes. This eucalyptus oil can also be used as an aromatherapy to help with joint pains that a person may be experiencing. However, there are some drawbacks to these trees, too. They use a lot of water and they also release compounds that are intended to prevent other species from growing nearby the eucalyptus population, and these compounds are very effective in doing so. Most eucalyptus trees are evergreen, although there are some tropical species that tend to lose their leaves as the dry season comes to an end. Furthermore, these trees can vary in size from small to very tall, making them a very varied and versatile species of tree.
    • Platanus: The platanus tree is another species of tree that is very common in Melbourne that one might find on the roadside. Platanus refers to a genus of trees that comprises of a small number of species of trees that are native in the globe’s Northern Hemisphere. All species of platanus tend to be very tall trees, as they can reach 30-50 metres. All species of platanus trees are deciduous, save for a singular species of the genus called P. kerrii. When it comes to cultivation, most species of the platanus genus tend to prove to be tolerant to drought if need be, which means they are not too intensive in their need for water. Primarily, the main use of these trees tends to be ornamental. They are often found in urban areas and on the rides of many roads, such as the roads of Melbourne, due to their aesthetic appeal.
    • Elm: Belonging to the genus Ulmus, elms are both semi-deciduous and deciduous. These trees have spread over time and are now thriving over the majority of the Northern Hemisphere. They are an essential component of many kinds of natural forest across the globe, and they have been used primarily for ornamental purposes. Their aesthetic appeal has been showed off in many places, including streets, gardens, and parks in many locations worldwide, including right here in Melbourne. Some individuals from this species are capable of reaching great age and size if they are given the opportunity to do so. Many of these trees have had their lives claimed in an untimely manner due to Dutch elm disease, but fortunately, Australia remains unaffected by this factor due to our isolation geographically and successful efforts to enforce all quarantine measures. Although the main purpose of the elm tree is purely ornamental and aesthetic, it has also been known to have medicinal uses. Furthermore, the wood of elm is also widely used for a variety of purposes.
    • Corymbia: The Corymbia is an extremely tall tree, which can grow around 35 metres in height and sometimes even taller. It is native to the tropical and temperate climate one can find in North Eastern Australia. The tree has also been given several nicknames, including the lemon aucalyptus, the blue spotted gum, and the lemon-scented gum. In appearance, the tree has a slightly mottled, uniform, pale or smooth bark. In color, it can range from white to a copper color, and its narrow-leaved crown gives off a strong lemon smell. The smooth bark that covers the entire tree from the ground and all the way up is often prone to shedding off thin and curling flakes from its surface and being powdery to the touch. As far as uses go, it is not only an ornamental tree but also can be made into an essential oil that consists primarily of citronella. While the tree can be extremely beautiful, as it is in the avenue they line at Kings Park in Perth, they also can have their downsides. For example, those same trees in Kings Park have spread to become a weed there as well.

    Call Treelife Qualified Melbourne Tree Removal specialist for more details or else for a free quote.

  • Tree Rules and Regulations of Melbourne

    Tree Rules and Regulations of Melbourne

    If you have a tree on your property, then you are probably wondering about the tree rules and regulations of Melbourne that are in place that you need to comply with. The main concern you need to have in mind in order to ensure you do not take any actions that violate Melbourne law are applicable when it comes to cutting down a tree.

    Local councils have the responsibility of ensuring trees in their area are protected through what are called Tree Preservation Orders. Often, these Tree Preservation Orders have the ability to prevent you from achieving your aims with the tree on your property by prohibiting any lopping, cutting down, ring barking, injuring, or wilfull destruction of all trees under their protection. This is the case for all trees specified under the Tree Preservation Orders, unless one has the consent of the local counsel to do such things.

    If there is a tree on your property and you would like to and are considering doing any of the above listed actions on that tree, or any other action that could be considered wilfull destruction of a tree on your property, then the wise decision is to hold off on doing that right away. You should first check with the local council in your area in order to check whether or not the tree in question is protected by a Tree Preservation Order. Remember, it is always the wisest path of action to check with the local council before doing anything to the tree on your property, even if you are a private property order. It is just not worth it in the long run because the fines can be quite hefty for breaching a Tree Preservation Order.

    In many of the areas in which trees are protected by local councils, the majority of the trees that are on both private and public property are under the protection of a Tree Preservation Order, which is why it is so important that you check before you do anything to a tree on your property.

    If you wish to carry out some branch pruning or root severing because the tree has invasive tree roots or large, overhanging branches, then you still need to check if the tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order. If you find out that it is, check in on the terms in order to determine whether or not it is necessary to fill out any application to get approval to have these actions done to the tree on your property.

    A landowner can also apply to the court for a solution in the event that damage to a person or property has occurred or is likely to occur, although the damage cannot be insignificant.

    When it comes to maintaining the tree on your property in Melbourne, these are some of the most important things you need to keep in mind. Ensure that you are aware of these tree rules and regulations of Melbourne before doing anything to your tree that could result in you needing to pay a hefty fan as consequence for your actions. Talk to Treelife who are the experts in tree removal services in Melbourne.

  • Elm Leaf Beetle Treatment Melbourne

    Elm Leaf Beetle Treatment Melbourne

    The Elm Leaf Beetle has very few natural predators and as a result the best method for treatment is with pesticide. There are two main methods for Elm Leaf Beetle Control – ground drenching (soil injecting) with pesticide and or trunk injection with pesticide.

    Trunk injection – localises the rather hazardous chemicals
    Soil injection – chemical uptake through the roots though isolation is unavoidable.

    • Trunk injection – localises the rather hazardous chemicals
    • Soil injection – chemical uptake through the roots though isolation is unavoidable.

    At Treelife we prefer the method of trunk injection. This method significantly reduces the amount of rather hazardous chemical used. It also treats the problem tree and not everything around it. Most importantly, it significantly reduces the loss of micro-organisms that die in the soil. It is these organisms that will improve your tree’s overall health into the future.

    Helpful Links

    Read more about the Elm Leaf Beetle.